I just received a private message from “Gwines” at the Donor Sibling Registry. I am an inactive member because I was kicked off in 2008 and am not allowed to rejoin. I was accused of stealing members, which was the furtherest thing from my mind. In fact, I was trying to educate others about all the other places they should look in addition to the DSR. I told individuals about the DSR who were posted on other registries too. Prior to being banned, I donated money and my time to the DSR. I even purchased memberships for more than a few people who couldn’t afford the price. There are many members there and elsewhere that I have helped connect so I still get angry every time I think about Wendy’s accusations.
That being said, if “gwines” wants to contact me it will have to be here, on FB or the registry at Amfor.net.
My adult daughter has been hoping for a connection to anyone in her paternal family since 2006.
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