This is what it is all about!! Please publicly share your success stories here! We would love to see comparison pictures and/or videos of you meeting your biological family that you connect with through our site […]
Create member groups here for anything. To create your own group, click on Groups tab and then Create a Member Group (or follow instructions on Home page). Make sure you allow set notifications to “All Email” so […]
If you know a Donor ID number please Create a Member Group for that corresponding sperm or egg donor including any information, documents, and pictures you can provide. To create a Group follow the instructions on […]
Create or join your fertility/insemination Doctor group and find other members who also share the same doctor! To create your own group, click on Groups tab and then Create a Member Group (or follow instructions […]
This parent group is where any members should post about soliciting for their documentary, TV entertainment, or news media opportunities. Please create Groups for your individual need and make this group the parent group.
This parent group is where any members should post about soliciting for their Academic Research opportunities. Please create Groups for your individual need and make this group the parent group.
This parent group is where any members should post about soliciting for their legislative activity that they would like to promote, support, or rally against. This is a place to spread the word about current […]
This is a group where members can discuss the podcasts!
This is a compilation of Universities that have sperm, egg, and/or frozen embryo donor history. If your University is not listed please create one and start your community. This is where we are compiling medical […]
Find or create your local meetup and connect with other donor conceived people, sperm/egg donors, or parents of donor children in person! To make your own Meetup, click on Groups tab and then Create a Member Group […]
If you are affiliated with a sperm/egg/embryo bank or clinic please create or find your group. To create your own group, click on Groups tab and then Create a Member Group (or follow instructions on Home page). […]
Please join if you are conceived by this donor, the ’donor’ himself, or used this donor to conceive a child. Share your stories, information, pictures, knowledge, etc., and collaborate to create faster […]
Please join if you were donor conceived, donated sperm/eggs/embryos, or used sperm/eggs/embryos at Xytex Cryo International Sperm Bank.
We can share information, experiences, pictures, documents…anything to h […]
Group of men who have donated sperm to talk about their experiences with the process and the awakening that our donor conceived children may be looking for us. If you are an anonymous sperm donor and/or DCP from […]
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