RDoerf started the topic Recipient of egg donor Columbia University NY in the forum Egg Donors 6 years, 6 months ago
Searching for my child’s siblings & egg donor. Clinic: Columbia University Center for Women’s Reproductive Care.
If you used this clinic as an egg donor is 2011, or used this clinic as a recipient, please respond. Maybe there could be some connections made.
Thank you!
Rita -
RDoerf replied to the topic Flinders Medical centre Egg Donor in the forum Egg Donors 6 years, 6 months ago
Dear Andrea,
I am a mom to a child that was conceived through an egg donor in NY. I recently started my search for her & 1/2 siblings. Unfortunately no luck yet, but I’m not giving up.
I love that you are searching & I hope you are able to find them. Wishing you all the best.
I have tried to find sites or FB groups that are donors searching, but…[Read more] -
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