• wmdoran replied to the topic DNA Medical Testing in the forum DNA 8 years, 10 months ago

    By the way you have a match here on DonorChildren! @cbratbyrudd @kenzyg14 congrats it looks like you are siblings! I simply searched the Members page and saw your ID matched. Make sure you DNA test to confirm.

  • wmdoran replied to the topic DNA Medical Testing in the forum DNA 8 years, 10 months ago

    @kenzyg14 I DNA tested on 23andMe, FTDNA, and Ancestry as well as uploaded my raw data for free to GedMatch.com. I want to encourage you to do the same. It is very important you are on all three databases as your matches may test on any one of them. I tested with 23andMe back in 2012/13 timeframe when it was $300 and health reports were…[Read more]

  • Admin posted an update in the group Group logo of Success StoriesSuccess Stories 9 years, 1 month ago

    @kenzyg14 @cbratbyrudd CONGRATULATIONS! You are sibling matches from Ygnacio Andrology Services (currently Fertility Institute of California) sperm ‘donor’ / biological father 910339. We always recommend to verify matches with DNA testing. It is recommended that DNA is submitted to the 3 big sites on the Resources page. This will confirm mat…[Read more]

  • Admin posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    @kenzyg14 Welcome! Thanks for joining. Please create/join Groups to aid in faster connections. Groups are a great place to share information, network, and make you more searchable online (see Get Started page or your Welcome email for instructions). Also you and others can search for matches on the Members page with the Advanced Search tool…[Read more]