@dorianorange810 active 4 years, 6 months agoBasic
Username | |
Sex | |
Current Location (City, State) | New York |
Current Location (Zip Code) | 10017 |
Birthplace (City, State) | Schenectady, New York |
Birthplace (Zip Code) | 12301 |
Birthdate | August 10, 1995 |
Clinic/Bank/University/Doctor (USE COMMA BETWEEN MULTIPLE; SPELL FULL NAMES) | Dr. Charles Debrovner |
Donor ID (Alphanumeric Value ONLY! - NO EXTRA INFORMATION - Separate Multiple ID's with ',' - or 'N/A', 'Unknown', 'Anonymous') | unknown |
Known 'Donor' Information (or 'None') | None |
I am a | |
Searching For | |
Known Genetic Health History (or 'None') | None |
Age Discovered Donor Conception or Told Offspring | 17 |
Social Parent(s) Type | |
Month & Year I 'Donated' or Conceived (Parent or Offspring) | Around December 1994 |
Number of Naturally (non-DCP) Conceived Children ('zero' if none) | 1 (by my parents, I have no children |
Number of 'Donor' Children ('zero' if none) | only me |
Number of Known 'Donor' Siblings ('zero' if none) | zero |
Registry Memberships | I do not belong to any registries. |
DNA Database Memberships | I still need to buy DNA memberships to the 4 big databases through the links on the Resources page |
Paternal Haplogroup (or 'Unknown') | unknown |
Maternal Haplogroup (or 'Unknown') | unknown |
Height | 5'6" |
Eye Color | |
Hair Color | |
Hair Texture | |
Weight | 130 |
Education Level | |
Universities/Colleges | Hampshire College, Amherst MA |
Degree(s) | BA in Literature |
Military | N/A |
Interests/Hobbies | reading |
Companies / Organizations / Positions | Currently an intern at Europa Editions |
Community Service Organizations / Roles | Have volunteered at various farms and Weir Farm National Park |
My Story | My story is pretty boring, I discovered a few years ago that i was conceived with a sperm donor and it’s been bothering me but I resisted doing anything because I didn’t want to cause any unnecessary tension or make my dad feel like I didn’t see him as my “real” dad, I do. I just have decided that I want to better understand myself and this will help me do it. |
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