Donor ID’s
Public Group active 1 week, 2 days agoIf you know a Donor ID number please Create a Member Group for that corresponding sperm or egg donor including any information, documents, and pictures you can provide. To create a Group follow the instructions on the Home page. Make sure you allow set notifications to “All Email” so members are informed of activity and select Private to keep the content shared confidential within the Group. Upload files to the Files tab or post to the Wall. When you make matches, feel free to use the Event tool to and/or create a Meetup to meet in person (instructions on Home page). Network and collaborate with other people from the same donor to make connections!
Please join if you are the biological offspring/child/conceived by ZyGen Laboratory sperm ‘donor’ O-2013-00106, the ‘donor’ himself, or used this ‘donor’ to conceive a child. Share your stories, information […]
P1-010: I was a donor from around 1985/6, up until I turned 35 in 1989. No choice was offered regarding anonymity when I enrolled as a donor. Anonymity was imposed as a condition of enrollment. Around age 35 I was […]
Please join if you are his biological offspring/child/conceived by egg ‘donor’ PATRICIA, the ‘donor’ herself, or used this ‘donor’ to conceive a child. She is known to have made deposits at NOVA IVF, Colorado Ce […]
German Irish donor
Looking for donor siblings from QFG 227. Donated in Brisbane early 2000’s.
Medium Complexion
Athletic build
Blue eyes
Blonde wavy hair
188 cm tall
91 kgs
A positive blood type
Cameraman for television […] -
searching for half siblings, if your donor number matches the above and you’d like to get in touch, please message me!
Looking for donor and donor conceived children of donor Reilly 8780 (Seattle Sperm Bank). Looking for half siblings of my daughter who’s 15 months old.
Please join if you are a sperm ‘donor’ conceived person/offspring/child from sperm ‘donor’ RR121, sperm ‘donor’ RR121, or used him to conceive a child from Reproductive Resources (Cryogenic Laboratorie […]
Please join if you are the biological offspring/child/conceived by Reproductive Resources sperm ‘donor’ RR352, the ‘donor’ himself, or used this ‘donor’ to conceive a child via Arificial Insemination, IVF, and/or […]
Please join if you are the offspring/child of sperm ’donor’ Seamus, sperm ‘donor’ Seamus, or used him to conceive a child via Artificial Insemination or InVitro Fertilization (IVF) from the European Sperm Ban […]
SHAFT Donor – Cryos International
Please join if you are affiliated with sperm donor 2135 from Cryos International – Denmark.
According to 1st hand sources in Kansas City, MO, Dr. Rodenberg was a regular at KU Med selling his sperm. Please join if you may be connected in anyway to Dr. Rodenberg. If you may be his offspring, conceived a […]
Please join if you are the biological offspring/child/conceived of sperm ‘donor’, TM6, born July 29, 1964, the ‘donor’ himself, or used him to conceive a child. @MisterM6 sold his sperm as a student at Univers […]
Please join if you are his biological offspring/child/conceived by ‘donor’ TODD from Cryos International, the ‘donor’ himself, or used this ‘donor’ to conceive a child. Share your stories, information, pictures, k […]
Please join if you were conceived via ovum/eggs at Boston IVF deposited by myself, ’donor’ UDF 739, or used my eggs to make a child.
Please join if you are his biological offspring/child/conceived by ‘donor’ UGGER from Cryos International, the ‘donor’ himself, or used this ‘donor’ to conceive a child. Share your stories, information […]
I’m looking for any kind of information, siblings, siblings’ photos of donor #4849, Fairfax Cryobank -
Seeking any siblings that would have used this ID in Columbia Missouri.
Please join if you are a sperm ‘donor’ conceived person/offspring/child from sperm ‘donor’ WILL, sperm ‘donor’ WILL, or used him to conceive a child from Cryos International Sperm Bank in the New York City, NY. S […]
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