6095 (Cryos International NYC – ”KIRK”)
Private Group active 8 years, 9 months agoPlease join if you are a ‘donor’ conceived offspring from this ‘donor’/biological father, are this sperm ‘donor’, or used this man to conceive a child via Artificial Insemination, InVitro Fertilization (IVF), and/or Surrogacy. Join and share your stories, pictures, documents, information, etc. to create connections!
‘Donor’ made deposits from 2009-2010. Attended a small college in NYC. 100% Italian. Brown hair, brown eyes. O+ blood type. Born in 1987.
We are looking to make connections for our son with his half siblings and their families. We’ve found 10 half siblings at this point, 8 boys and 2 girls. We have been exchanging information on the childrens’ similarities, have agreed to shared information about any health anomalies (none so far, not even allergies). How special this connection can be for our children in the future. I’m keeping track of all half siblings I find or come forward to keep our kids from having relations with a half sibling by mistake.
8 boys found so far, born:
April 2011; Phoenix, Arizona, United States
July 2011; Lahr, Germany
June 2012; Sweden
2012; NJ
2013; NYC
February 2014; Boston, MA, United States
July 2015; Boston, MA, United States
July 2018; Germany
2 girls born:
2010; NYC
January 2015; California
We plan on being very open with our son about his origin. We are respectful of every parent’s decision of whether or not and how and when to tell your child or children about their origin. If you want to be known only by date of birth, gender and city/state/country to keep track of half siblings to avoid romantic relationships between, we can leave it at that.
We’d love to know of each child’s existence and if the kids could connect with each other later when they are older and better able to understand this it would be wonderful for them to have each other.
Please contact me if you want to connect with this special group of half siblings and their loving parents. You determine the extent of the connection.
This is a private group. To join you must be a registered site member and request group membership.
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