Admin posted an update in the group
Success Stories 9 years, 12 months ago
@carmenw @littleflash4us @gland You are matches, congrats! Cryogenic Laboratory Inc (CLI) via sperm ‘donor’ ID / biological father 2679. We always recommend to verify matches with DNA testing. It is recommended that DNA is submitted to the 3 big sites on the Resources page. This will confirm matches and also add to those databases for more matches. Buy tests through our links on the Resources page to help support DonorChildren at no cost to you! Enjoy connecting here:
Hi there! I have twin daughters with CLI donor # 2679. Please reply if you receive this message and have children with the same donor. We have a private group on Facebook with several other families with the same donor and would love to hear from you and include you in our group!
To make connecting easier, make sure you all join the 2679 group here. You can privately exchange communication, pics, and documents in a group format. Feel free to invite the others from your Facebook group. Enjoy connecting!
An added match today! @nvtoronto Connect here: http://www.donorchildren.com/groups/donor-ids/2679-cryogenic-laboratories-inc/