David Taylor posted an update in the group
Universities 11 years ago
University of Utah donor #091 – I’m looking for siblings
David Taylor posted an update in the group Universities 11 years ago
University of Utah donor #091 – I’m looking for siblings
You might want to join donorchildren.com/groups/universities/University-of-Utah/
I’ll keep my eye out for anyone I come in contact with that might have also used donor #091
Have you tested at any of the DNA companies? You might match up with someone there. My daughter’s DNA is at all three. I know that other UofU donor children are starting to do DNA testing.
23andme, FamilyTreeDNA, and AncestryDNA
I have a copy of donor # 091 characteristics if you’ve never seen them.
@pbranum You have the ability to Send Invites for groups such as the Universities group. You just go to the group and click Send Invites. Good advice!
@leslie-taylor Thanks for joining! You should create a member group for your Donor ID 091. That will help draw people to the site looking for the same ID. Go to the Get Started page under Home for instructions (http://donorchildren.com/sample-page/get-started). Also join University of Utah’s group. Groups are a great place to connect, collaborate, and makes a searchable page on all the search engines to speed up matches. Enjoy!