3is4luck posted an update in the group
Banks & Clinics (Sperm/Egg/Embryo) 11 years ago
Anyone affiliated with Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine, Dr Schoolcraft? Either as a donor or recipient?
3is4luck posted an update in the group Banks & Clinics (Sperm/Egg/Embryo) 11 years ago
Anyone affiliated with Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine, Dr Schoolcraft? Either as a donor or recipient?
It’s great you are asking all the group members. I searched using the search tool on top of the page and found no groups or members associated with the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine. What you need to do is create a Group for this Clinic. Go to the Get Started page (There’s a link on the Home page).
After you create Groups they become easily searchable on all the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) after about a week. People will find you external from DonorChildren given time.