David Brown posted an update in the group
Success Stories 6 years, 7 months ago
I am a donor conceived person. My wife and I met Matt, the creator of this website, 5 years ago online. We thought we could potentially be half brothers because our stories were so much alike. We met in person on a show called “Swab Stories” in 2013. We ended up not being related, but ever since we met him in person, we became good friends, and he has helped us out tremendously in our search for my donor and my half siblings.
Matt suggested for us to join some DNA websites. We joined 23andme and Ancestry DNA. We found a half-brother, John, from California in 2014 on 23andme. And after over a 10 year search for my donor, we found my paternal grandfather on Ancestry DNA in 2016, who connected us to my donor, who also has 2 sons of is own!
I met my half brothers and my donor dad, and they have been so welcoming towards me. It has been an amazing experience.
It has been quite the emotional journey, and Matt caringly helped us through it all. Thank you for all of your dedication, help, hard detective work, and friendship Matt. I would recommend Matt to anyone who needs/wants help in their search for their donor/donor-sibling family. -David B.