Lv2cuSmile posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago
Just wanted to put this out there. My son was donor conceived CCB 1073. Over the years, ive come to know of a couple siblings on Donorsiblingregistrydotcom. Then we did dna, and its on Ancestry,23 n me,gedmatch, and Family Tree DNA. We were contacted a few months ago, young lady didnt realize she had her FTDNA set to private, and then noticed she matched my son. After discussions, i mentioned my sons donor ID and california cryobank. She was confused, as she and my son matched dna at 1/2 siblings, yet she had a totally different donor ID and her cryobank was in Virginia (fairfax) I contacted CCB and asked how it was she matched dna, yet different cryobank, different donor ID and totally different donor paperwork. Got no real answers. The young ladies mom called Fairfax, and after a while, finally got an answer. She used donor eggs and sperm. She was inseminated with donor eggs and sperm. They didnt tell her that they used the donor she chose for all but one egg. That egg resulting in her pregnancy, was inseminated with my sons donor. Still cant figure out how that happens, as my sperm came from CCB sent to Maine, MD office. This young ladies mom was inseminated in Virginia. Donor is from California, attended college in California. So, even though you have donor numbers etc. I guess the only way to really know, and make connections, is to do DNA. Do all testing sites, as you dont know who is testing where!