trytryagain2010 posted an update in the group
Donor ID’s 11 years, 2 months ago
Looking for donor siblings for my son, born April 2011. Donor was with Cryos International in NYC. Donor ID is KIRK. The donor is Italian and was born in 1987. We have found 2 donor siblings in Europe so far, none in the United States yet. Both donor siblings are boys, one born in July 2011 and the other in June of 2012. We’ve been exchanging medical information, pictures and Christmas cards. It’s been a great experience. Our son is so fortunate to have these connections for the future. Please comment if your son/daughter is a donor sibling from donor KIRK. Thank you!
@trytryagain2010 Welcome! Thanks for joining. You’re comment is going to get lost on the site Activity feed. The best way to be found is to make a Group for your Donor ID and Clinic on the Groups page (see the Home page for instructions). Also you and others can search for matches on the Members page with the Advanced Search tool. Also consider making a local Meetup for your area and check out the Forums and Resources page for questions/discussion/external resources. Enjoy!
Hi I have two children with donor Kirk from Cryos International. One boy and one girl. I have yet to connect with anyone who also have children with donor Kirk. I would love to connect with others who have also used “Kirk”.
Hi. This message is from a long time ago but I also have a son from Donor Kirk who was born in 2014. I tried to join the group but it just says “request sent” We are in California. Hope all is well with your family during this trying time. Best. C