csrkylib posted an update in the group
Universities 11 years, 2 months ago
All I see is “Universities”, I do not see individual universities posted at all..
csrkylib posted an update in the group Universities 11 years, 2 months ago
All I see is “Universities”, I do not see individual universities posted at all..
Hi Chanti, thanks for joining! So this is a donor community active social network, not just a registry. Each member has the ability to create a Group for their University, Donor ID, Clinic, local Meetup, Doctor, and Sperm/Egg Bank(s). Please check out the Home page (www.donorchildren.com/home) for instructions on how to make a Group.
Also, your University on your profile is searchable on the site. You can go to the Members page and search using the Advanced Search tool to see who your matches are from your University. We only have about 100 members as we launched 2 weeks ago so some patience will be required as we grow. I appreciate you joining! Also check out the Forums to post a topical discussion/question. Thanks!
You can click the + next to the Universities parent group and the current University groups that have been created will show up.
@csrkylib Did you find the university groups? Feel free to create one.