CKlukkert posted an update in the group
Success Stories 9 years, 3 months ago
EUREKA! I have found my oldest brother’s donor ! When I discovered my older bother had a different donor than my middle brother and I – I was on the hunt. Of course, I tested my brother’s DNA through all three major companies and uploaded to GEDmatch. It was finally through AncestryDNA coming up with TWO 3rd cousin matches for him (although they would never write me back) – I WAS able to do some sleuthing and figure out who they were and who they and who must have been my brother’s common relative was. Then – it was just a matter of coming down on that line until I found a male living in the Bay Area during the right time (1949) -and Viola! – there was a medical student at Stanford, with the right surname, with the right ethnicity. I then contacted 2 members of that family (the doctor is deceased) and had them test – including a Y test – and it confirmed what my paperwork had found. SO EXCITING!
Now, I wish I would find a closer match for me and my brother – we only have 4th cousins. But, I won’t give up. Maybe with the latest sale on AncestryDNA and with DNA given to so many as Christmas gifts, the “right” person is going to test and help my research. I hope so.