sarahliz34 posted an update in the group
Success Stories 9 years, 8 months ago
I am a donor-conceived kid who has been actively looking for her father for more than a decade. I’d go in spurts staying up all night looking for info, reading and writing in forums, hoping and dreaming, wondering if I would ever find the man who gave me life. I had previously submitted my DNA to one database, but nothing ever came of it. One night I stumbled across this site while in one of my information-seeking spurts, and I read every word of the Resources page. I felt inspired. I sent it to my mom, and by the time I got a chance to call her she had already followed the suggestions on the Resources page and purchased all three DNA-testing kits! Haha. I had no choice but to quickly follow suit.
Our results were available in July, and I reached out to and conversed with a number of very kind, distant cousins. No real leads yet. Then in early October my heart stopped because I matched with a paternal second cousin. Within a week, on October 8, 2014 I found my father. My life will never be the same. The experience has been incredible beyond words. He was almost more emotional and excited than I was! He and his family have completely enveloped me. I have grandparents! A brother! A new, second family. If I hadn’t stumbled upon this site I am confident I would still be looking.
Take a chance. Do all three tests. If you actually want to find out, something WILL happen eventually. Best of luck to you all! I feel like the luckiest girl on earth, and I am forever in debt to the creator of this site. Here’s a picture of my father and me at the same age. Just look at that!
Thanks for sharing, @sarahliz34! How exciting!! Glad we could help and you had such great success. Thanks for sharing your story. It will encourage others to follow in your footsteps and DNA test. Keep sharing your story and tell others about DonorChildren! Enjoy your family that is now part of your life…good job. 🙂
Congrats and good job! The pictures are amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing! Also a donor-conceived kid – spent many late nights in college searching the web with no luck. Really hoping I can do the DNA testing soon!!