DonnaLW posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago
Looking for any information/direction on finding which clinic Dr R Donald Eward used for donor sperm in 1977 & 1979. I had two children donor concieved and was not given any information about where the sperm was attained, nor any medical history of the sperm donor. My children really would like to track information regarding their heritage and any possible half siblings. But with so little information I don’t know where to go or how to get this information. Also i don’t think either of my children nor myself have ever had DNA work-up done. How expensive is that? Is it necessary as their mother to have my DNA workup done? Where in in the Holland/Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo, MI is the best place to have this done?
Hi @dlweerstra, welcome! Thanks for reaching out with questions. What you need to do is create a Group for Dr. R Donald Eward. I’ll add him to the database and then you can update your profile. For DNA tests you can buy them here on DonorChildren! Go to http://www.DonorChildren.com/Resources. We only make a little commission if you buy through our links at no extra cost to you. Your support keeps us up and free for all members. Your children should both test at all 3 big databases listed on the Resources page. The tests are $99 a piece. They will learn some about their heritage based on DNA groupings as well as match with relatives when they opt-in for family finder. They can then upload their DNA for free to GEDMatch.com. You have to first download their raw data from 23andMe. You should at least test on 23andMe. They provide a way to add you to their family tree and filter out all maternal matches leaving only paternal relatives. This will help them narrow the search much quicker. Hope that helps and please keep us updated here!